Cellulite: What Causes It- By: Frankie Charles

Description : When you choose a protein powder, be sure to choose a good quality powder. If the powder is not of a good quality, there are chances that it can have adverse effects on your body. If you are a vegan, then you will have to resort to soy protein powder. Best option is to have natural protein shakes which are made without protein powder. It is recommended, that protein shakes be consumed after consulting a physician. The physician will be in a better position to recommend the right quantity of protein for you.
Cellulite is a type of fat found under three layers of skin and fat. Cellulite develops in an area called the subcutaneous fat layers. This layer of fat is unique in its structure compared to the other layers because its fatty parts are structured into specific chambers by strands of linked tissue around it. At certain times when female hormones are very prevelant like the onset of puberty, when pregnant and during menopause all these life changes help in the formation of cellulite. The cellulite fat that accumulates depending on the lifestyle of the individual will be stored in those chambers located on our thighs, buttocks, tummy and more.
If you are a busy person and you cannot accommodate butt workout in your schedule, then you can probably try to be more active throughout the day. Instead of using an elevator, you can climb stairs or you can walk around the office after lunch. Fidgeting and dancing while sitting down are also ways in which you can move your butt even while in front of a computer or television.
Exercise won't eliminate your cellulite but it will help to manage your cellulite. The less fat you have the less chance you have that the fat will turn into cellulite. Building your muscles will burn more fat.
If you are considering a cosmetic procedure for the reduction of Cellulite, contact a board certified plastic or cosmetic surgeon in your area. Check with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for a doctor near you.
Reflecting on the factors needed for an effective cellulite treatment the MBT shows none. How do they target superficial fat? It may sound reasonable to believe that the MBT shoes work to melt fat in the body because of the workout you get when walking but remember this fat is not cellulite. So if you are considering buying the MBT's to treat your cellulite think again. Your best bet are cellulite treatments which target superficial fat.
So quacks and shysters excepted, it's becoming recognised that the only way to have any effect on Cellulite is to exercise, but it has to be exactly the right sort of exercise which only affects the parts of your body where the "orange peel" occurs.
Commonly known as leg lifts, they are wonderful leg exercises for all age groups. You can perform leg lifts either by lifting your leg from the side or from the front. Both the techniques are equally effective. Lie down on the left side extending your legs straight. Support your neck with the left hand. Lift your left leg sideways in the air. Do the same with the other leg. While doing front lifts, you can raise your legs together or one at a time. Repeat the exercises for at least 15 times for quick results.
Yoga is an age-old practice, with its origins in India. While with time many systems or schools of thought in yoga have evolved, but basically all of them focus on harmonizing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the body. And one of the best features of yoga is its effectiveness in treating unwanted fat through its totality of approach to the well-being of the body and the mind.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : It's not the only way of doing something that can be done several other ways. Keep both your legs extended and toes pointing straight ahead.
the truth about cellulite